I am Full Stack Developer
PHP, Node.JS, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Javascript,
React.JS / React Native,
HTML HaProxy, Nginx, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Git
Kentkart is provide fare collection, vehicle tracking, passenger information, and mobile app solutions
for transport authorities and operators.
I am working as a team leader and backend developer in the project about optimization of public
transportation systems within Kentkart.
TechStack: Node.JS/Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis
With Bisu, you can shop for groceries or order water to your home.
I worked as a backend developer at Bisu. Here I provided new integrations to the backend
TechStack Node.JS/Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis
You can post your ads with Gomeed.
I worked as a full stack developer at Gomeed. I worked as a backend developer, but I also took part in
project management.
TechStack: Node.JS/Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, React.JS, HTML, CSS
Kentkart is provide fare collection, vehicle tracking, passenger information, and mobile app solutions
for transport authorities and operators.
As a backend developer in Kentkart, I developed new APIs.
TechStack: Node.JS/Express, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis